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18.25 “WKND” — January 13th-16th

January 13 - January 16
See Pricing

18.25 "WKND" This is our annual 18.25 winter retreat! We are heading down to Santa Cruz, Ca on January 13th to January 16th for a great weekend of community, getting to worship together and dive into the Word of God. Come experience what we have planned with beach days, activities, tribe challenges and so much more! We hope you can join us!

Bayside 18.25 "WKND" on January 13th-16th, 2023 in Santa Cruz, Ca. We will be meeting at Mission Springs Camp.

Leaving Sacramento on January 13th at 12 pm | Check in at Mission Springs at 4 pm | Leaving Mission Springs for Sacramento 12 pm on January 16th

A $75 deposit is all that is required to lock in your price and you can pay off the rest as you go!”
$275 early bird until Sept. 29th | $300 Normal Price until Nov. 10th | $335 Late Price until Jan. 12th.