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Mexico 2024 Registration

March 22 - March 29
All Day

Registration is now officially open! A $149 registration fee will be required at the end of the application (only $99 for the month of November!). After registering and paying the deposit, each participant will be given a link to their fundraising page for the remainder of the trip cost.

Check out our MEXICO WEBSITE for more information about teams, trip costs, frequently asked questions, etc.

You can also email us at mexicooutreach@baysideonline.com.


  • Adult Training - Sunday, February 18, 1:30-4:00pm at the Granite Bay Campus
  • Team Training #1 - Sunday, February 25, 1:30-4:00pm at the Granite Bay Campus
  • Team Training #2 - February 26-March 9 in homes (your team leader will reach out with date, time and location)
  • Team Training #3 - Sunday, March 10, 2:00-4:00pm at the Granite Bay Campus
  • Passport Drop-off (High School ONLY) - Saturday, March 16, 3:00-6:00pm in Bayside Suite 440
  • Commissioning Weekend - Saturday, March 16 & Sunday, March 17 at your campus
  • Mexico Outreach Trip - March 22-29


  • DRIVERS (25+) - A $400 discount will be applied to your fundraising goal once you are approved.
  • INTERPRETERS (18+) - Please email Mexicooutreach@baysideonline.com before you register for our Mexico 2023 trip. In this email include: your full name, your Spanish fluency, and any prior experience translating Spanish to English. If accepted as an interpreter, we will email you with more information on your next steps.
***Please note: If the participant is a minor, the registration below MUST be completed by a parent or legal guardian.