Grief Support
At Bayside we are here to help you heal when someone loved dies. Please see the resources below.

Every Sunday
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Online Zoom Meetings
Contact Helen Hagstrom at or 916-223-3012 for registration and Zoom Link.
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. GriefShare is led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. You are welcome to join any session, as each session is “self-contained,” so you don’t have to attend in sequence.
Call CARE office for application: (916) 746-8602
Private counseling sessions via application for individuals/families that need some short-term assistance with the grieving process.
Chapel of the Valley Funeral Home |
Contact Craig Herberger (916) 797-1448
Full service, family-owned mortuary for burial or cremation. On-site chapel available.
97 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678
Heritage Oaks Memorial Chapel |
Contact Ron Harder/Jim Beeding (916) 791-2273
Full service, family-owned mortuary for burial or cremation. On-site chapel available
6920 Destiny Drive, Rocklin, CA 95667
Morgan Oaks Eternal Preserve |
Contact by phone at (833) 667-4266
Our mission is to provide natural and meaningful memorial landscapes that are thriving native ecosystems, contributing to both the ecological and social health of the surrounding community.
421 Fleming Rd, Lincoln, CA 95648
California Victim Compensation Program
800-777-9229 | Placer County
Available to help victims of crime with certain costs, such as a funeral, medical & dental, mental health counseling, relocation, & crime scene cleanup.
Friends for Survival
Contact Marilyn Koenig | (916) 392-0664
Available to help those in grief who have lost a loved one to suicide.
Children’s Bereavement Art Group
(916) 797-7850
Offered through Sutter-Roseville Hospital.
Available to help children & young adults (ages 4-16) process their grief through art work.
Sharing Parents
(916) 424-5150
Available to help parents whose babies have died from the time of conception through early infancy.