Sound Mind
Jesus + Mental Health
Sound Mind is a new sermon series on Mental Health–how it affects us, how it affects those around us, how God can heal us and how God walks with us through these challenges. The church has historically held the Bible in one hand and the needs of the people God calls us to love and serve in our cities and communities in the other. This is a series that brings those two worlds together. Countless people in our church and communities are struggling with mental health challenges. And often they are doing so in secret–feeling shame, guilt and confusion about where to find help and what God thinks about it. We hope this series can answer these questions and more. Here is what we believe: Mental health is rooted in God’s design. It is not a new modern concept. It is something that God created as a part of our human flourishing, and is deeply rooted in the story of the Bible. We want to help you learn how to navigate different aspects of your life and struggles through the lens of Scripture, utilizing theology, our experiences and the best of psychology.