The Book of Acts ——— Some moments change history. Change the world. Change you. Upheavals. Revolutions of empires and nations, and power, but also thoughts, ideas, art, and religion. When people rise up and change the way things are. Forever. There was a moment like that. 2000 years ago. The world didn’t know what hit it. It was the beginning of the church. When a people empowered by the God of the universe began a revolution that said God had shown up and now was moving on his own spirit to change people. To set people free who were in bondage. To give power to people who weren’t perfect. To give new direction, hope, identity to anyone who wanted it. All they had to do was give themselves over to it and God would empower them. Give them new life and purpose and meaning and direction. It started way back when and it’s STILL NOT OVER ITS STILL GOING. A people on fire. Upending everything the world had come to know and thought it knew about: God, power, sex, money, politics, race, and family. Being human and the fate of everyone who has ever lived. That’s what the Book of Acts is all about. The start of a fire that is still raging all over the world and can light up your life Right Now It was unexpected Unpredictable Unbelievable And created a people who TO THIS DAY ARE UNSTOPPABLE Join the revolution!